Knowing how to write a B2B Marketing blog correctly can boost your credibility, build your brand and solidify your tone of voice as a thought leader. Like any skill, however, writing is a craft that takes time to get to grips with, and years to master. There are, however, some important points that we seem to see eluding a lot of B2B marketers to this day.
Jonathan Burns Recent Posts

B2B Buyers Social Media - What Do You Need To Know?
B2B Buyers Social Media, And Everything You Need To Know To Generate New Business Leads...
It’s pretty obvious that over the past few years, social media has increasingly become one of the main places that B2B buyers find resources, information on your business and how much you know about solving their pain points.
5 tips for maximising your revenue from ‘organic’ B2B new business activity
As we’ve said, most of the new business for your B2B work will come through the door from referrals and recommendations. But this doesn’t mean you should sit back and wait (sorry).
Why doesn’t my B2B new business activity work?
Many marketing folks we meet have tales of woe about how their B2B new business activity is ineffective or stop-start. As a result, growth is unpredictable, or any growth that occurs is organic – people call them, old clients come back, clients move and get their trusted old mates in.
Using LinkedIn For Thought Leadership
You’ve probably seen enough “Thought Leaders” on LinkedIn to believe that almost anyone with a salesy tone of voice and some copy and paste skills can claim to be a bona-fide expert.
3 Golden Rules For Using LinkedIn For B2B Marketing
If you are using or planning to use LinkedIn to drive your B2B marketing and awareness (and you really should be!), there are some basic rules that you need to follow. We’ve outlined them here so you can get more from the channel.
Does GDPR Affect B2B Marketing?
People still aren’t sure what GDPR means or how it affects B2B marketing, and since that’s something we do very well, we thought we would clear it up once and for all