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Hey marketing agencies! Here's how to give a perfect pitch

27 February 2014

We know that landing the pitch can be a cause for celebration in itself but there are many tools and tricks any marketing agency (or client) can use to strengthen their position and ensure they deliver the best meeting possible. With this in mind, we’ve put together our list of top tips

Know your material

It may sound obvious, but whatever your subject matter make you sure you know it inside out. Statistics, facts and examples -anything to support your marketing agency's statements – are a must. Be prepared for questions of all shapes and sizes and field them positively and appreciatively. If they’re asking questions, you have their interest. The most important thing here is absolute confidence in your company and its services: you will find it can become infectious. Don’t get cocky though: no meeting is a dead certainty.

Do your research

In term of agency search and selection, demonstrating interest in your client is vital. It shows you understand and appreciate where they’re coming from; nobody likes to feel like a meal ticket. Ensure to ask questions, use stats that are relevant to them (not you!) and most importantly, do your homework. Before you step into the room be sure to have memorised names, titles and the fundamentals of the business.

Keep it simple

Slides, literature, video- whatever you use- keep it fresh, informative and uncomplicated. Try to avoid bamboozling clients with a dizzying array of detail. All material should only seek to support what you have already discussed, not supply the key information. For best results use a design template that effectively mirrors your own brand image and style.

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Tailor material

‘[Insert name here]‘ presentations will in all likelihood fail to make the impact you’re looking for. Try to avoid a one size fits all mentality. Tailor pitches and material to fit the client. Start from scratch if necessary. You will find the time and effort will be noticeable and be appreciated.

Know your pitch

Listening to someone read from a script can be like nails on a chalk board for a client. Keep it personal and informal by memorising a key structure or points that you want to mention. Ensure to make eye contact, respond to any comments and listen closely to what your audience has to say.

Take it seriously

Just like a first date, avoid looking at phones, taking calls, gum chewing, interrupting and dressing too casually. If you can demonstrate that you are taking the meeting seriously, you will find clients react positively.

Utilise your assets

Make sure everyone you bring has a clear cut role and supports your pitch in someway. Introduce everyone clearly and establish how and why they can help support your work. Likewise, if one person dominates pitch it can make others seem redundant. Try to delegate and share the limelight.

Avoid the hard sell

Lastly, keep it light and don’t push too hard. At best it can make your marketing agency inconsiderate or desperate; at worse it it can put clients off entirely. Remember, this decision is as important to their business as to yours. Be transparent with what you can offer but don’t be afraid to step back and let things unfold.

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Danielle Stagg

Written by Danielle Stagg